Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post 1 - Project 1 Thoughts

Project 1
CGR 257 – Advanced Web Page Design
Project 1

Animated Logo Project

Create a logo in Flash and animate it. Using vectors in Flash create an interesting logo for Ocha Green Tea. Include both text and symbols in the logo to create a dynamic representation of your client and their business. Once you have finished the logo, create a simple Flash animation that can be used on the web or with interactive presentations in the future.
Learn the basics of the Flash toolset. Understand how to use vectors in Flash as opposed to Illustrator. Know how to create motion tweens. Start to think about designing for interactivity on the web
Thumbs Due: Sept. 6
Project Due: Sept. 20
This project seems like it will be a good start for this class. I remember that I've taken previous classes that have called for me to make a logo for an imaginary business, so at this point, it's something I'm used to doing.

The fact that I have to animate the logo as well shouldn't really be a problem either, because I've taken classes that require the use of flash. Since there should be a refresher in the class lessons, I should be good at this point.

On a side note, I like how the class will just be focusing on the Ocha Green Tea concept. It links all the projects together, and I missed that concept. 

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